Now scheduling *FREE* Peace and Well-Being sessions all month long!!!
This cooler weather finds me feeling frisky. And despite all the glorious opportunities that it presents, I find nothing more fulfilling or inspiring than working. For me this means lying in the grass or sitting by the stream and helping my fabulous friends feel more peace, more love, and more freedom.
For me, playing with energy is fun - not work. I'm kinda weird that way. And when I can show a friend how easy it is and how fun it is to connect with energy and convert it, I am thrilled.
For this reason I'm wanting to "work" as much as possible in the month of October. So much so that I'm willing to do it for free. (Of course, I'd love it if, as a result, you wanted to work with me more in the future or spread the word to your friends. But mostly, I just want to feel the work flowing through me).
When I help you achieve peace, I feel peaceful. When I help you release the critical voice in your head, I release it for myself. When I help you bask in your own love, we bask together. And isn't it nice to know that we're in this "energy soup" together and that together we can remember that what we are seeking is right here inside of us, right now.
Freedom, peace, and happiness really is free! Hallelujah!
Please call soon (864/933-8000) to secure your spot on October's calendar.
P.S. Please feel free to pass this on to your like-minded friends. I will offer this to them as long as space is available.