Friday, December 21, 2012

Your Light

In this season of the winter's solstice, may you find light amidst the darkness. May you be filled with a quiet knowing that, that which you fear, that which you resist, that which you see as dark about yourself or others, contains within it your path to illumination.

Darkness cannot thrive in the light of your compassionate awareness. It cannot fester when held in loving kindness.

There is nothing so dark in you that I have not acknowledged within myself. I've known terror. I've known rage. I have known self-hatred and pain so great that I just didn't want to be here anymore - in a body or on this planet.

And yet amidst all of that darkness there was light - ever present, always in me, waiting for me to learn how to access its transformative power to heal all that was and is not love.

In this season, may you birth forth the light that is in you, the light that is you. Regardless of your spiritual tradition, you can take a hint from the one that is said to have been born in a stable, amidst the animals, and animal poop, and all things earthy. 

Birthing the light that is in you doesn't usually happen under sanitary, already light-filled, smooth sailing conditions. It often happens when you're alone and in the dark and when it smells so bad that you're finally humbled enough to let go and ask for help.

And when you do, know that I am here, that I know who you are, and I know the way home.

I love you,


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Sunday, December 16, 2012

A Heart of Compassion

Whatever it is that you think is the problem, is really just a call for more love.

When you have a problem you try to figure it out, analyze it, and strategize your way into fixing it. In solving the problem you believe you can return to a place of peace and preproblem ok-ness. But what if the real peace and ok-ness you seek doesn't lie in the temporary solving of a problem or in the successful manipulation of outer events? What if the real peace and ok-ness you seek lies deep in the inner recesses of your own heart?

Your desire to solve a problem is driven by your need to feel better, to feel solid again, and like everything is back in its rightful place. But haven't you noticed that these good feelings are temporary and sooner or later there is a new problem or at least a new version of the old one?

Underneath the desire to conquer the problem lies the desire to quell the feelings that it stirs up - feelings like uncertainty, frustration, helplessness, and a lack of control. These are scary feelings. And, it's all too human to want to do something to fix them. But what if there was something you could do with the feelings that was deeper and longer lasting than just fixing the problem so the feelings would go away?  And what if feeling better wasn't dependent on whether you fixed the problem or not? What if you could use the problem and the resulting feelings as a way to take you closer to home - as a way to reconnect you with the peace and well-being that's who you really are?

The answer lies within your own heart and in the bottomless well of compassion that waits for you there. Unlike other feelings that come and go, compassion is hard-wired into your heart circuitry. It is a constant. It is always available to you and contains within it the capacity to transform all negative feelings

If you have the courage to confront the scary feelings that your problem evokes, then you are one step closer to real freedom. When you can allow yourself to simply be with yourself and acknowledge the truth of all of your feelings, you acknowledge your own humanness. You might notice some self-judgement. You might notice some resistance to the unpleasant feelings, but that's human too. Whatever you feel, whatever you notice, see if you'd be willing to extend to yourself and your feelings a little compassion. When you knock on the door of compassion it always opens, for compassion never goes away. It never vacillates. It's always there for the taking. It's who you are.

So celebrate your problems. Celebrate the feelings that come up. They are calling you, beckoning you. They say, "Love me. Listen to me. I want to go home."


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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Beyond the Question of Being or Doing

When you are doing from your being there is no effort. There is no trying. Being is who you are. Being is not just something that you do when you take time out to meditate or quiet yourself. Carving out a spot in your day so you can check it off your list, is still doing even if what you say you're doing is being. You see? It has within it an energy of ego-decision. "Oh, I'm going to meditate now and be."

When I hear friends say, "Thank you for reminding me to have balance, to take time for being instead of so much doing," I realize they are still missing the point. They are still seeing the issue from a westernized duality - doing or being, as if it's one or the other.

Being doesn't negate doing. Nor does doing negate being. In observing the animals and in feeling into those around me, wild and domestic, it's easy to feel their "no conflict" with this issue. The birds are busy, flying here and there, to and from the feeders. The horses eat grass, walk to their water, and play games with each other. All the while they are expressing from the ALL, that which they are and that which they've never lost their connection to.

Their teaching is this:

You are what you are. In expressing and being fully in what you are, you have unlimited internal resources. You draw your wisdom and your energy from the All. You feel yourself as an expression of the All. You are the All. And everything that is, you are also. The more you rest in this, this truth, this way, this knowing, the lighter you feel, because the All carries the energy for you. It does the work. It moves the mountains. You don't have to.

So as best you can, allow your doing to flow from the Source of power that is you. Consider adopting the animal-way and let your doing flow without effort, without trying, from the deep well of that which you are - infinite power, infinite love, and infinite well-being.
Being love with you,

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Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Longest Journey

The longest journey that you'll ever take, is the one that you make from your head to your heart.

Happy trails from a friend and fellow traveler,

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The Truth About Love

You can't give love
that you don't have

You can't receive love
that you don't have

The question is not, Are you
giving or receiving,
but . . .

Are you?

Being in love with you,

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